Kopitiam Community Giveback Initiative
We’ve been blessed to be able to do what we love day-to-day. As our small business grows, we feel it is both a responsibility and a privilege to be able to give back to the beautiful community of Manhattan’s Lower Eastside, Chinatown and the surrounding neighborhoods. Our #kopitiamcares give back initiative is a way we’d like to thank our community who’ve been there for us with their support since we opened and, most importantly, it’s our way of saying ‘thank you’ to the neighborhood that gifted us our staff and team.
Each month, we’ll gift a full meal to a group of individuals whether from a non-profit, a startup (we understand how challenging it is to launch a new business), after-school program, a community sports coach, family, etc.
We hope we’re able to do our part in providing a comforting meal to our commendable recipients and would love your help in our selection process. When nominating, please keep in mind the nominee’s role in the community, whether you believe they should be rewarded for stewardship or are facing hardship.
Please help nominate deserving #kopitiamcares recipients by filling out the nomination form below!
我們很幸運能夠每天做我們熱愛的事情。隨著小型企業的發展,我們感到能夠回饋曼哈頓下東區和唐人街的美麗社區既是一種責任,也是一種特權。我們的#kopitiamcares回饋倡議是我們要感謝我們的社區,自從我們開放以來,他們一直支援我們,最重要的是,這是我們向社區說"謝謝"的方式,讓我們的員工和團隊。每個月,我們都會向一群本地個人贈送一頓豐盛的飯菜,無論是來自非盈利組織、初創企業(我們瞭解推出新業務是多麼具有挑戰性)、課外活動、社區體育教練、家庭等。我們希望我們能夠儘自己的一份力量,為我們值得稱道的受助人提供安慰餐,並愛你在選擇過程中的説明。提名時,請記住被提名人在下東區和唐人街社區的角色,無論您認為他們應該得到管理獎勵,還是面臨困境。細節越多越好! 請填寫以下提名表格,説明提名值得#kopitiamcares獲獎者!